Hand & Upper Extremity Therapy - DFW Hand Surgeon William Van Wyk

Hand & Upper Extremity Procedures

Hand & Upper Extremity Procedures

The bones, nerves, joints, and muscles of the hands, wrist, forearm and elbow are critical to nearly every activity of daily living. When injury or disease threatens their viability, overall quality of life is at risk as well. Dr. William Van Wyk specializes in treating children and adults suffering from bone and soft-tissue conditions of the hand and upper extremity.

Dr. Van Wyk will explain your condition and treatment options, and then work with you to determine a personalized recovery plan. Click on each of these tabs below to know more about various services offered by The Office of Dr. William Van Wyk.

Hand and Fingers Procedures - DFW Hand Surgeon

Hand and Fingers Procedures

Our hands serve many purposes, and when there is a problem it is very difficult to function. Dr. William Van Wyk is trained to care for these issues with and without surgery. Dr. Van Wyk works closely with our on-site Certified Hand Therapists to treat a wide variety of conditions utilizing conservative alternatives in order to ensure our patients receive the most appropriate care for their hand condition. LEARN MORE

Wrist & Forearm Procedures - DFW Hand Surgeon, Dr. William Van Wyk

Wrist & Forearm Procedures

Wrist injuries can happen suddenly, as in a fall, or from wear and tear from everyday activity. Dr. Van Wyk works closely and communicates regularly with our on-site Certified Hand Therapists to monitor the patients’ progress to ensure our patients receive the most appropriate care for their wrist condition. Injury to the forearm usually results from trauma related to a fall, a vehicle accident, sports injury or repetitive injury. Pain in the forearm can arise from injury or inflammation that affects any of the tissues of the forearm, including the muscles, bones, blood vessels, tendons, and skin. LEARN MORE

Elbow Procedures - DFW Hand Surgeon Dr. William Van Wyk

Elbow Procedures

The elbow is a complex joint that allows you to perform pushing and pulling movements and to rotate your forearm. Elbow pain can be caused by injury or strain to the bones in your elbow joint, the surrounding muscles or tendons, which attach the muscles to the bones. Dr. Van Wyk works closely with our on-siteCertified Hand Therapists to treat a wide variety of conditions using conservative alternatives in order to ensure our patients receive the most appropriate care for their elbow condition. LEARN MORE

Pediatric and Congenital Procedures - DFW Hand Surgeon Dr. William Van Wyk

Pediatric and Congenital Procedures

A congenital condition is one that a child is born with. Any type of deformity in a newborn infant can become a challenge for the child as he or she grows. Early consultation with a hand surgeon is an important part of the treatment process for the child born with a hand or upper extremity deformity. LEARN MORE

Hand & Upper Arm Extremity Therapy - DFW Hand Surgeon Dr. William Van Wyk

Hand & Upper Arm Extremity Therapy

Hand Therapy is performed on patients with conditions affecting the hands and upper extremities, including those affected by accident or trauma leaving them with wounds, scars, burns, injured tendons or nerves, fractures, or even amputations. Those who suffer from conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow, as well as from such chronic problems as arthritis or a neurologic condition (i.e., stroke) also benefit from this therapy. Our hand and upper extremity therapy is provided by Certified Hand Therapists who have undergone specialized training as endorsed by The American Society of Hand Therapists. LEARN MORE

Hand and Fingers Procedures - DFW Hand Surgeon Dr William Van Wyk

DFW Hand Surgeon Services

Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome at Work - DFW Hand Surgeon Dr. William Van Wyk

Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome at Work

The Carpal Tunnel is a narrow passageway of ligament and bones at the base of the hand, which houses the median nerve and tendons. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve becomes pressed or squeezed at the wrist.

Gardening Safety Means Hand Safety - Hand Safety Blog from DFW Hand Surgeon Dr. William Van Wyk

Gardening Safety Means Hand Safety

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), emergency rooms treat more than 400,000 outdoor garden-tool-related accidents each year. With proper safety techniques, you can stay away from the hospital and avoid becoming a statistic.

The Scheker Prosthesis - Sports Hand Safety - DFW Hand Surgeon Dr. William Van Wyk

The Scheker Prosthesis

We offer a new prosthesis and method of treating loss of wrist motion in pronation and suppination (palm up and palm down motion) caused by incongruity of the joint between the radius and ulna (the radioulnar joint ) of the wrist. The loss of motion in this joint can be very disabling.