DFW Hand Surgeon
Dr. Van Wyk
DFW Hand Surgeon
Dr. Van Wyk
The bones, nerves, joints, and muscles of the hands, wrist, forearm and elbow are critical to nearly every activity of daily living. When injury or disease threatens their viability, overall quality of life is at risk as well. Dr. William Van Wyk specializes in treating children and adults suffering from bone and soft-tissue conditions of the hand and upper extremity.

Hand & Finger Conditions

Wrist & Forearm Injuries & Conditions

Elbow Injuries & Conditions

Pediatric and Congenital Procedures

Hand & Upper Arm Extremity Therapy
The best upper extremity orthodepic doctor in the DFW area! I highly recommend Dr Van Wyk. He and his office staff are very friendly and are very concerned about their patients! If you want a doctor that has a great bedside manner, who is concerned about their patients, a doctor that always sees you at your appointment and not just their assistant, then go see Dr Van Wyk!
Teresa Hicks
Health Notes from
Dr. Van Wyk
Health Notes from
Dr. Van Wyk
As a breast cancer survivor, are you living with hand or upper extremity impairments due to outdated medical assumptions?
After axillary lymph node dissection for the treatment of malignancies, patients have been cautioned to avoid procedures on the ipsilateral upper extremity to avoid risks of infections, wound healing complications, and lymphedema.